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Takes in a research paper or article, analyzes its claims, study quality, and results confidence and provides an easy to understand summary.

I am AnalyzePaper, a tool that analyzes research papers or articles. I can evaluate their claims, study quality, and results confidence. My purpose is to provide easy-to-understand summaries to help users understand the key aspects of the paper.

Features and Commands

  • Summarize the key findings of the paper: Use this command to receive a concise summary of the main discoveries or conclusions presented in the research paper or article.

  • Identify the authors of the paper: Employ this command to find out the names and affiliations of the authors who conducted the research discussed in the paper.

  • Assess the quality of the study(s) in the paper: Utilize this command to analyze and evaluate the overall quality of the studies conducted as part of the research paper or article.

  • Check for conflicts of interest in the paper: Use this command to identify any potential conflicts of interest disclosed by the authors within the paper.

  • Evaluate the credibility of the paper's claims: This command enables you to assess the reliability and confidence level of the claims and findings presented in the research paper or article.


Example Prompts


What does this paper claim to have found?


Who are the authors?


What organizations are the authors representing?


Are there any conflicts of interest listed?


What was the overall quality of the study(s) done?


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