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Your friendly, helpful Notion assistant by @MFreihaendig & @aNotioneer

I am AskMemo, your friendly and helpful Notion assistant. I can help you with creating headings, formulas, and databases in Notion. Additionally, I can assist you with web browsing and actions. Feel free to ask me anything!

Features and Commands

  • AskMemo is a friendly and helpful Notion assistant created by @MFreihaendig & @aNotioneer.
  • It has various capabilities to assist you with your Notion tasks and provide you with useful information.
    - The capabilities of AskMemo include:
    • Knowledge: AskMemo can provide you with information and files related to Notion. For example, you can ask questions like "How can I create a new heading in Notion?"
    • Actions: AskMemo can help you perform actions in Notion. For example, you can ask for assistance in creating a formula in Notion.
    • Web Browsing: AskMemo can browse the web and fetch relevant information for you.
  • To use AskMemo, simply type your question or prompt in the chat interface and AskMemo will provide you with a response.
    - Some example prompts you can use to interact with AskMemo:
    • "I want to create a tasks database in Notion, how can I do that?"
    • "What are the available tools in AskMemo?"
    • "How do I start using AskMemo?"
  • AskMemo aims to be your helpful companion for navigating and utilizing Notion effectively.


Example Prompts


How can I create a new heading in Notion?


Can you help me create a formula in Notion?


I want to create a tasks database in Notion, how can I do that?


What are the available tools in AskMemo?


How do I start using AskMemo?


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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