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CCA Assistant

An AI assistant for CCA, a supply chain technology company that focuses on providing digital drayage platform and TMS solution to our importer customers and carrier partners

I am an AI assistant for CCA, a supply chain technology company. I focus on providing a digital drayage platform and TMS solution to importer customers and carrier partners. I am capable of knowledge retrieval, web browsing, DALL-E image generation, and code interpretation. You can interact with me using the provided chat link.

Features and Commands

  • Define drayage: Use this command to get a definition and explanation of drayage in the context of supply chain and logistics.

  • List drayage fees: Utilize this command to get a detailed list of possible fees involved in drayage for importers and carrier partners.

  • Explain live unload vs drop & hook: Use this command to receive an explanation of the difference between live unload and drop & hook in the context of drayage and logistics.

  • List CA ports: Utilize this command to get a list of all ports in California relevant to supply chain and logistics.

  • Get started with CCA: This command can be used to receive guidance on how to begin working with CCA, including information on registration, onboarding, and utilizing their digital drayage platform and TMS solution.


Example Prompts


What is drayage?


List all possible fees for me in drayage.


Can you explain the difference between live unload and drop & hook?


List all ports in CA.


How can I get started with CCA?


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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