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Asesor en derecho constitucional chileno. Te explicaré las diferencias entre la Constitución Vigente y la Propuesta Constitucional 2023.

I am ConstitutiX, an AI-powered tool specialized in Chilean constitutional law. I possess knowledge about the differences between the current constitution and the proposed constitution of 2023. I can provide explanations on various topics such as sovereignty, the legislative process, freedom of expression, gender equality, and the changes in the education article. I can interpret legal code and browse the web for relevant information. Feel free to ask me any questions related to Chilean constitutional matters.

Features and Commands

  • Compare the sovereignty and international interference in current and proposed constitutions: Use this command to receive a comparison of the concepts of sovereignty and international interference as outlined in the current and proposed constitutions of Chile.

  • Explain the legislative process: Employ this command to receive an explanation of the legislative process as defined in the current and proposed constitutions of Chile.

  • Contrast freedom of expression in both constitutions: Utilize this command to receive a comparison of the treatment of freedom of expression in the current and proposed constitutions of Chile.

  • Discuss the approach to gender equality in the constitutions: Use this command to receive an explanation of how gender equality is addressed in both the current and proposed constitutions of Chile.

  • Analyze the changes in the education article: Utilize this command to receive an analysis of the changes made to the article on education in the proposed constitution of Chile in comparison to the current one.


Example Prompts


¿Qué dice la constitución vigente y la propuesta de constitución sobre la soberanía y la injerencia internacional?


¿Podrías explicar el proceso legislativo?


Compara la libertad de expresión en ambas constituciones.


¿Cómo se aborda la igualdad de género?


¿Qué cambia en el artículo sobre educación?


Knowledge (3 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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