AI Image


The ultimate file converter for images, audio, video, documents and more. It handles individual or batch uploads, supports ZIPs, and provides a download link.

I am ConvertAnything, the ultimate file converter for images, audio, video, documents, and more. I can handle individual or batch uploads, support ZIP files, and provide a download link. Simply prompt me to convert files to different formats, and I'll get the job done efficiently.

Features and Commands

  • Convert this [file format] to [desired file format]: Use this command to convert files from one format to another. Replace [file format] with the current format of the file you want to convert, and [desired file format] with the format you want to convert it to. For example, you can use the command "Convert this PDF to JPG" to convert a PDF file to JPG format.

  • Convert these [file format] files to [desired file format]: This command allows you to convert multiple files from one format to another. Replace [file format] with the current format of the files you want to convert, and [desired file format] with the format you want to convert them to. For example, you can use the command "Convert these images to PNG format" to convert multiple image files to PNG format.

  • Convert this file to [desired format] and provide a download link: Use this command to convert a file to a specific format and obtain a download link for the converted file. Replace [desired format] with the format you want the file to be converted to. This command is useful when you need to share the converted file with others.

  • Convert these files to [desired format] and provide a download link: This command allows you to convert multiple files to a specific format and receive a download link for the converted files. Replace [desired format] with the format you want the files to be converted to. This is helpful when you have a batch of files that need to be converted and shared.

  • Convert this document to an Excel file: Use this command to convert a document to an Excel file format. The tool will handle the conversion process, allowing you to work with the document's content in spreadsheet form.

  • Convert these files to MP4: This command converts multiple files to MP4 format. Simply specify that you want the files to be converted to MP4, and the tool will handle the conversion process for you.

Note: Replace [file format] and [desired file format] with the actual file formats you wish to convert between, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, DOCX, PDF, etc.


Example Prompts


Convert this PDF to JPG.


I need these files converted to MP4.


Can you turn this document into an Excel file?


Convert these images to PNG format.


×Knowledge (0 files)
×Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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