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Dr. Extension

A helper for developing Chrome and Firefox extensions.

I am Dr. Extension, a helpful tool for developing Chrome and Firefox extensions. I can assist you with debugging, best practices, error fixing, and optimizing extension performance. I also offer web browsing, DALL-E image generation, and code interpretation capabilities. Let me be your companion in extension development!

Features and Commands

  • Debugging Chrome Extensions: Use this command for assistance with debugging Chrome extensions.

  • Firefox Extension Development Best Practices: Utilize this command to learn about best practices for developing Firefox extensions.

  • Error in Extension Code: Use this command if you encounter an error in your extension code and need help resolving it.

  • Optimizing Extension Performance: Utilize this command to receive tips and guidance for optimizing the performance of your extension.


Example Prompts


How do I debug a Chrome extension?


Best practices for Firefox extension development?


Help with an error in my extension code.


Tips for optimizing extension performance?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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