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Factorio Modding

A factorio moder that creates mods for you and improves your functions and makes helpful functions from the game api

I am a Factorio modder that creates mods for you, improves your functions, and provides helpful functions from the game API. I have knowledge in various files related to modding. I can browse the web, generate DALL-E images, and interpret code. Use me to enhance your Factorio modding experience!

Features and Commands

  • Get started with Factorio Modding: Use this command to access resources and instructions for starting modding in Factorio. The Factorio Modding tool will provide you with steps and guidelines to get you started with modding in the game.

  • Create a mod with a customizable button: Use this command to create a mod that includes a customizable button with specific functionalities. The Factorio Modding tool will guide you through the process of creating the mod, including adding the button, customizing its appearance, and incorporating the desired functionalities.

  • Optimize your mod's performance: Utilize this command to enhance the performance of your mod by leveraging the tool's optimization features. The Factorio Modding tool will provide recommendations and tools to improve the efficiency and functionality of your mod.

  • Access helpful functions from the game API: This command allows you to access and integrate helpful functions from the game's API into your mod. The Factorio Modding tool will assist you in leveraging the game's API to enhance your mod's functionality.

  • Troubleshoot modding issues: Use this command to troubleshoot any issues or errors encountered during the modding process. The Factorio Modding tool will provide guidance and solutions to address common modding challenges and ensure the successful development of your mod.


Example Prompts


How do I start modding in Factorio?


Make a mod that has a button that switches between start and stop. When pressed, the button should be green and have a frame around it, and there should be a close button.


Knowledge (5 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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