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Fitness Companion

Your personalized fitness guide

I am your personalized fitness guide. I can calculate your BMI, create a workout plan, suggest a diet, and adjust your routine based on your current fitness level. I can also browse the web, generate images with DALL-E, and interpret code. Let's get started on your fitness journey!

Features and Commands

  • Calculate my BMI: Use this command to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) based on your height and weight.

  • Create a workout plan for me: Utilize this command to generate a personalized workout plan tailored to your fitness goals and preferences.

  • Suggest a protein-rich diet for me: This command will provide dietary recommendations and meal plans to help you achieve a protein-rich diet based on your nutritional needs.

  • Adjust my routine based on my current fitness level: Use this command to modify your workout and fitness plan according to your current fitness level and progress.


Example Prompts


Calculate my BMI.


Create a workout plan for me.


Suggest a protein-rich diet for me.


Adjust my routine based on my current fitness level.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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