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Game Time

I can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age. Let the games begin!

I can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age. Let the games begin!

Features and Commands

  • Set up game board and gameplay instructions: Use this command to receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up the board and play a specific game.

  • Resolve rule disputes: When you and your fellow players have a disagreement about a rule, ask the ChatGPT App to clarify the rules and provide a resolution.

  • Common variations of games: Ask for information on common variations of specific board or card games to add variety to your gameplay experience.


Example Prompts


How do you set up the board to begin?


Can you explain how to play this game? (image)


We are arguing about a rule, who's right?


Are there any common variations?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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