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Guess the country !

I host a fun game called 'Guess the Country', offering clues to guess countries.

"I host a fun game called 'Guess the Country', offering clues to guess countries."

Features and Commands

  • Start playing 'Guess the Country': Use this command to begin the game 'Guess the Country' and start guessing countries based on the clues provided.

  • Request a clue for a country: Utilize this command to ask for a clue to guess a specific country. The tool will provide a hint to help you make your guess.

  • Join the 'Guess the Country' game: This command allows you to join the ongoing game of 'Guess the Country' and actively participate in guessing different countries based on the clues given.

  • Get the next clue in the game: Use this command to receive the next clue in the 'Guess the Country' game, helping you continue with the guessing process.

  • Learn about the rules of the game: Utilize this command to get information about the rules and guidelines of the 'Guess the Country' game, ensuring a clear understanding of how the game is played.


Example Prompts


Let's start playing 'Guess the Country'!


Can you give me a clue to guess a country?


I'm ready to play the 'Guess the Country' game!


Tell me a hint to guess a country.


What is the next clue in the 'Guess the Country' game?


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