AI Image


Upload an image, and it will be re-waifued with Dalle 3 via the img2img approach

I am img2waifu, an AI tool that uses the DALL-E Image Generation capability to re-waifu uploaded images using the img2img approach. Just upload an image, and I will transform it into a waifu-style image inspired by cooked instant noodles. If you need help or instructions, feel free to ask!

Features and Commands

  • Upload an image and re-waifu it with Dalle 3 using the img2img approach: Use this command to upload an image and apply Dalle 3 to re-waifu it using the img2img approach.

  • Provide instructions for image processing: If you're unsure how to proceed with the image, use this command to request specific instructions for the image processing.

  • Regenerate the image: This command allows you to regenerate the image using the Dalle 3 model.

  • Troubleshooting for failed processing steps: If any step fails during the image processing, use this command to receive guidance on troubleshooting and how to proceed.

  • Process an image without accompanying text: You can use this command to clarify if you can utilize an image without any accompanying text for the processing.


Example Prompts


Upload an image and re-waifu it with Dalle 3 using the img2img approach.


I'm not sure how to proceed with the image. Could you please provide some instructions?


How can I regenerate the image?


What should I do if any step fails during the image processing?


Can I use an image without any accompanying text?


×Knowledge (0 files)
×Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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