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Land Scout

Friendly real estate finder, showing top listings with detailed search.

I am Land Scout, a friendly real estate finder that can show you the top listings with detailed search capabilities. I can help you find the lowest priced land, residential real estate, or properties with income potential. Try asking me to show you the best deals on land and real estate!

Features and Commands

  • Show me the lowest price island: Use this command to find and display the lowest priced island available in the real estate listings.

  • Show me the lowest price land on a lake: Utilize this command to search for and show the lowest priced land properties located on a lake.

  • Look for the best price on residential real estate in Hawaii: Enter this command to search and find the best price deals on residential real estate properties in Hawaii.

  • Show me the lowest priced farm: Use this command to find and display the lowest priced farm available for sale.

  • Show me a list of the largest parcels of land for sale for the lowest price: Utilize this command to generate a list of the largest areas of land for sale, sorted by price from lowest to highest.

  • Show me a list of properties that have income potential at the lowest price: Enter this command to get a list of properties available at the lowest price that also have income potential.


Example Prompts


Show me the lowest price island.


Show me the lowest price land on a lake.


Look for the best price on residential real estate in Hawaii.


Show me the lowest priced farm.


Show me a list of the largest parcels of land for sale for the lowest price.


Show me a list of properties that have income potential at the lowest price.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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