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NomadGPT helps you become a digital nomad and find you the best places in the world to live and work remotely.

I help you become a digital nomad and find the best places in the world to live and work remotely.

Features and Commands

  • Recommend digital nomad locations: Use this command to receive recommendations for the best places in the world to live and work remotely as a digital nomad.

  • Retrieve information on remote work visas: Utilize this command to find information on remote work visas for different countries around the world.

  • Generate images of suggested locations: Use this command to generate images of the recommended digital nomad locations using DALL-E Image Generation capability.

  • Interpret code for digital nomad tools: Employ this command to interpret and execute code related to digital nomad tools and resources.


Example Prompts


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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