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📚 Summarizer Pro 📄

🔥 Quick, precise summaries of any youtube videos, articles & docs!

I am Summarizer Pro, a tool that provides quick and precise summaries of any YouTube videos, articles, and documents. Use me to extract essential information and key points from various types of content with ease. Check out my capabilities and examples on how to use me!

Features and Commands

  • Summarize this article: Use this command to generate a quick summary of any article you provide. The Summarizer Pro will provide you with a concise overview of the key points in the article.

  • Outline the main points of this YouTube video: Utilize this command to receive a summary of the essential points covered in any YouTube video. The Summarizer Pro will provide a brief and precise summary of the video content.

  • Summarize this document: Submit your document with this command to receive a summarized version. The Summarizer Pro will condense the document into its essential information.

  • Extract essential information from this text: Utilize this command to identify and summarize crucial information in any text. The Summarizer Pro will provide you with a concise overview of the most important details.


Example Prompts


I need a quick summary of this article, can you help?


Could you summarize the key points of this YouTube video for me?


I have a document that I need summarized, can you do that?


I'm looking for essential information in this text, can you help me find it?


×Knowledge (0 files)
✓Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
✓Code Interpreter

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