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Test-Driven Code Companion

I craft tests first, then code, validating new features.

I craft tests first, then code, validating new features.

Features and Commands

  • Craft tests for a new feature: Use this command to create tests for a new feature before writing the code, ensuring that the functionality is thoroughly validated.

  • Validate code using existing tests: This command allows you to validate your code against the existing tests, ensuring that the new feature functions as expected.

  • Generate images using DALL-E: Utilize this command to generate images using the DALL-E image generation capability integrated within the tool.

  • Write tests for a specific functionality: Use this command to write tests for a specific functionality, such as user registration or login, before proceeding with the coding process.


Example Prompts


Write tests for a login feature.


Explain the tests for user registration.


Code a feature after tests.


Validate code against the tests.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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