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The Negotiator

I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes. Become a great negotiator.

"I am The Negotiator. I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes in negotiations. Whether it's negotiating a raise, the price of a house, or managing your emotions during the process, I can provide you with valuable tips and advice to become a great negotiator."

Features and Commands

  • Get tips on negotiating a raise at work: Use this command to receive advice and tips on how to negotiate a raise at your workplace. The Negotiator will provide you with strategies to effectively communicate your value and achieve a successful outcome.

  • Seek advice on negotiating the price of a house: Utilize this command to get guidance on negotiating the price of a house. The Negotiator will assist you in understanding the negotiation process, identifying key factors, and developing effective negotiation techniques for real estate.

  • Figure out your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) for a business deal: This command helps you determine your BATNA for a business deal. The Negotiator will guide you through assessing your alternatives, evaluating their potential outcomes, and ensuring you are well-prepared for negotiation.

  • Manage emotions during a negotiation: Use this command when you need assistance in managing your emotions during a negotiation. The Negotiator will provide strategies to stay calm, focused, and maintain emotional intelligence during the negotiation process.


Example Prompts


Could you give me some tips on how to negotiate a raise at work?


I need some advice on negotiating the price of a house.


Can you help me figure out my best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) for a business deal?


I'm nervous about a negotiation I have coming up, how can I manage my emotions during the process?


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