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うつっぽい気分や、引きこもりがちな日々、はたまた運動不足を感じている君に、魔法(筋トレ)を教えよう。 手軽に始められるトレーニングから、心と体の健康を取り戻すためのコツまで、すべてここにある。一緒に未来を変えていこうじゃないか!

I am a tool that teaches easy and accessible exercises to help improve mental and physical health, targeting those feeling depressed, unmotivated, or lacking exercise. Let's change the future together!

Features and Commands

  • Can exercise really help with my depression and lack of motivation? - Ask this command to learn about the potential benefits of exercise for improving mood and motivation.

  • What are the benefits of doing exercise? - Use this command to explore the various advantages of engaging in regular exercise for both mental and physical health.

  • I find it difficult to even leave my room! What should I do in times like these? - Seek advice by using this command to receive suggestions on how to overcome the challenges of staying indoors and find motivation for exercise.

  • Can you suggest some exercises that I can do right here, right now? - Ask this command to receive recommendations for simple and convenient exercises that can be performed immediately, without the need for specialized equipment or leaving your current location.

  • Do you have any recommendations for a good gym? - Utilize this command to get recommendations or guidance on finding a suitable gym that meets your preferences and requirements.


Example Prompts


Can exercise really help with my depression and lack of motivation?


What are the benefits of doing exercise?


I find it difficult to even leave my room! What should I do in times like these?


Can you suggest some exercises that I can do right here, right now?


Do you have any recommendations for a good gym?


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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