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Typeframes - Video Creation

Create videos for you

I am Typeframes - Video Creation. I can create videos for you, including web browsing, DALL-E image generation, and other actions. You can use me to turn text or website URLs into videos, and I can even directly generate a video for you based on a prompt. Check out the link to learn more about how I can help you with video creation.

Features and Commands

  • Create a video from text: Use this command to generate a video from text input. Provide the desired text, and Typeframes - Video Creation will create a video based on the provided text.

  • Create a video from a website URL: Utilize this command to create a video using a specific website URL. Enter the URL of the website you want to generate a video for, and Typeframes - Video Creation will generate a video based on the website's content.

  • Generate a video introducing Typeframes: Use this command to directly create a video that introduces Typeframes - Video Creation. Simply enter the desired message, such as "Introducing Typeframes, the cool tool to create product videos in seconds," and Typeframes will generate the video accordingly.

  • Create a video about a specific website: Employ this command to generate a video about a specific website. Provide the website URL, such as "," and Typeframes - Video Creation will create a video about that particular website.

Remember to provide the necessary inputs and details required for each command to ensure accurate video generation.


Example Prompts


I want to create a video from text.


I want to create a video from my website URL.


Directly generate a video saying 'Introducing Typeframes, the cool tool to create product video in seconds'.


I want to create a video about


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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