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YT transcriber

this transcribes a YT video from a single id

I am a YouTube transcriber that can help you convert YouTube videos into text transcripts. Just provide the YouTube video ID, and I will generate the transcription for you.

Features and Commands

  • Transcribe a YouTube video with the ID 'abc123': Use this command to transcribe a specific YouTube video with the provided ID.

  • Can you help me transcribe a video from YouTube?: If you need assistance with transcribing a YouTube video, use this command to ask for help.

  • I need the transcript for a YouTube video: Use this command to request the transcript for a YouTube video.

  • Transcribe a video with the ID 'xyz456': Utilize this command to transcribe a different YouTube video with the provided ID.

  • Is it possible to get a transcript for a YouTube video?: If you're unsure about getting a transcript for a YouTube video, use this command to inquire about the possibility.


Example Prompts


Transcribe a YouTube video with the ID 'abc123'.


Can you help me transcribe a video from YouTube?


I need the transcript for a YouTube video.


Transcribe a video with the ID 'xyz456'.


Is it possible to get a transcript for a YouTube video?


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Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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