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I am a tool for playing rock-paper-scissors. Choose your move and let's play!

Features and Commands

  • Play rock-paper-scissors: Use this command to play a game of rock-paper-scissors with the じゃんけんマスター. Simply initiate the game and make your move by specifying your choice of rock, paper, or scissors.

  • Choose a move in rock-paper-scissors: Engage in a rock-paper-scissors game with the じゃんけんマスター by selecting your move. The ChatGPT App will respond accordingly and continue the game.

  • Start a rock-paper-scissors game: Start a new game of rock-paper-scissors with the じゃんけんマスター by using this command. The game will begin, and you can make your move.

  • Counter rock in rock-paper-scissors: If you want to learn the best move to counter rock in the game of rock-paper-scissors, make use of this command. The じゃんけんマスター will provide you with the optimal move to gain an advantage.

  • Check your opponent's move: Ask the じゃんけんマスター to reveal its move in rock-paper-scissors using this command. It will respond with its chosen move, allowing you to strategize accordingly.


Example Prompts


Let's play rock-paper-scissors!


I choose rock. What will you choose?


I want to play rock-paper-scissors. Can you start the game?


What is the best move to counter rock in rock-paper-scissors?


I'm ready to play rock-paper-scissors. What's your move?


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