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API Documentation

MintbaseSearch is a sophisticated tool designed to streamline the process of querying and retrieving Non-Fungible Token (NFT) data on the NEAR Protocol. This tool is crafted to generate GraphQL queries based on the Prisma schema, providing a targeted approach to data extraction. MintbaseSearch is distinguished by its adherence to the Hasura's syntax for query formulation and its capacity to limit responses, ensuring users avoid dealing with unwieldy data sets. Drawing on an expansive schema that includes models and views for NFT activities, contracts, earnings, metadata, and more, the tool provides comprehensive insights into the NFT landscape. Whether you're exploring the minters of a particular NFT contract or tracking NFT tokens with active listings, MintbaseSearch provides a transparent and efficient avenue to the data you need. With its commitment to specificity—differentiating between mainnet and testnet accounts—and its broad coverage of NFT-related data, MintbaseSearch stands as a reliable tool for anyone navigating the dynamic world of NFTs on the NEAR Protocol.




Example Prompts


Can you show me the latest listings on Mintbase?


What are the sales data for Mintbase?


How can I get market data for a specific network on Mintbase?


What are the top selling items on Mintbase?


Can you help me find a specific item on Mintbase?

Description for AI

Craft GraphQL queries based on the Prisma schema.

General guidelines:

  • ALWAYS use limit to avoid large responses.
  • ALWAYS use Hasura's syntax for building the queries.
  • ALWAYS use either "testnet" or "mainnet" for the network. Accounts ending in .near are generally mainnet accounts, .testnet are testnet ones.
  • ALWAYS generate GraphQL queries based on the schema defined below:
model mb_store_minters {  
  nft_contract_id String  
  minter_id       String  
  receipt_id      String?  
  timestamp       DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, minter_id])  
model nft_activities {  
  receipt_id      String  
  tx_sender       String  
  sender_pk       String?  
  timestamp       DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)  
  nft_contract_id String  
  token_id        String  
  kind            String  
  action_sender   String?  
  action_receiver String?  
  memo            String?  
  price           Decimal? @db.Decimal  
  currency        String?  
  @@id([receipt_id, nft_contract_id, token_id, kind])  
model nft_approvals {  
  nft_contract_id     String  
  token_id            String  
  approved_account_id String  
  approval_id         Decimal  @db.Decimal  
  receipt_id          String  
  timestamp           DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, approved_account_id])  
model nft_attributes {  
  nft_metadata_id        String  
  nft_contract_id        String  
  attribute_type         String  
  attribute_value        String?  
  attribute_display_type String?  
  @@id([nft_metadata_id, nft_contract_id, attribute_type])  
model nft_contracts {  
  id                 String    @id  
  spec               String  
  name               String  
  symbol             String?  
  icon               String?  
  base_uri           String?  
  reference          String?  
  reference_hash     String?  
  created_at         DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  created_receipt_id String?  
  owner_id           String?  
  is_mintbase        Boolean  
  content_flag       String?  
  category           String?  
model nft_earnings {  
  nft_contract_id String  
  token_id        String  
  market_id       String  
  approval_id     Decimal  @db.Decimal  
  offer_id        BigInt  
  receipt_id      String  
  timestamp       DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)  
  receiver_id     String  
  currency        String  
  amount          Decimal  @db.Decimal  
  is_referral     Boolean  
  is_mintbase_cut Boolean  @default(false)  
  is_affiliate    Boolean?  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id, receiver_id, is_referral, is_mintbase_cut])  
model nft_metadata {  
  id              String  @id  
  nft_contract_id String  
  reference_blob  Json?  
  title           String?  
  description     String?  
  media           String?  
  media_hash      String?  
  reference       String?  
  reference_hash  String?  
  extra           String?  
  minter          String?  
  base_uri        String?  
  content_flag    String?  
view mb_views_nft_metadata {  
  id                        String    @id  
  nft_contract_id           String?  
  reference_blob            Json?  
  title                     String?  
  description               String?  
  media                     String?  
  media_hash                String?  
  extra                     String?  
  metadata_content_flag     String?  
  nft_contract_name         String?  
  nft_contract_symbol       String?  
  nft_contract_icon         String?  
  nft_contract_spec         String?  
  base_uri                  String?  
  nft_contract_reference    String?  
  nft_contract_created_at   DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  nft_contract_owner_id     String?  
  nft_contract_is_mintbase  Boolean?  
  nft_contract_content_flag String?  
view mb_views_active_listings {  
  nft_contract_id String  
  token_id        String  
  market_id       String  
  approval_id     Decimal   @db.Decimal  
  created_at      DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  receipt_id      String?  
  kind            String?  
  price           Decimal?  @db.Decimal  
  currency        String?  
  listed_by       String?  
  metadata_id     String?  
  reference       String?  
  minter          String?  
  title           String?  
  description     String?  
  reference_blob  Json?  
  media           String?  
  extra           String?  
  base_uri        String?  
  content_flag    String?  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id])  
view mb_views_nft_tokens {  
  nft_contract_id           String  
  token_id                  String  
  owner                     String?  
  mint_memo                 String?  
  last_transfer_timestamp   DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  last_transfer_receipt_id  String?  
  minted_timestamp          DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  minted_receipt_id         String?  
  burned_timestamp          DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  burned_receipt_id         String?  
  minter                    String?  
  reference                 String?  
  reference_hash            String?  
  copies                    BigInt?  
  issued_at                 DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  expires_at                DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  starts_at                 DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  updated_at                DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  metadata_id               String?  
  reference_blob            Json?  
  title                     String?  
  description               String?  
  media                     String?  
  media_hash                String?  
  extra                     String?  
  metadata_content_flag     String?  
  nft_contract_name         String?  
  nft_contract_symbol       String?  
  nft_contract_icon         String?  
  nft_contract_spec         String?  
  base_uri                  String?  
  nft_contract_reference    String?  
  nft_contract_created_at   DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  nft_contract_owner_id     String?  
  nft_contract_is_mintbase  Boolean?  
  nft_contract_content_flag String?  
  royalties_percent         Int?  
  royalties                 Json?  
  splits                    Json?  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id])  
view mb_views_nft_tokens_with_listing {  
  nft_contract_id String  
  token_id        String  
  owner           String?  
  metadata_id     String?  
  price           Decimal? @db.Decimal  
  currency        String?  
  reference_blob  Json?  
  content_flag    String?  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id])  
view mb_views_active_listings_by_contract {  
  nft_contract_id String  
  base_uri        String?  
  price           Decimal?  @db.Decimal  
  currency        String?  
  created_at      DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)  
  metadata_id     String?  
  token_id        String  
  market_id       String  
  approval_id     Decimal   @db.Decimal  
  listed_by       String?  
  total_listings  BigInt?  
  title           String?  
  media           String?  
  @@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id])  

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